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21 May
22 May
23 May

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19:00 - 22:00
Welcome reception at the Barge Centre Theme Park

Join us at the Barge Centre Theme Park, a short drive from downtown Tartu or a scenic 20-minute riverside walk. The reception venue is located right on the banks of the Emajõgi River, in a workspace that has just seen the completion of a 23-meter wooden ship. So, leave the high heels and ties at home, and embrace loose, comfortable clothes and shoes.

At the reception, witness the preparation of freshly caught fish for smoking, create miniature wooden replicas of the barge, and lend a hand in blacksmithing. Short rides on the Emajõgi River aboard the Jõmmu barge will also be offered. Most importantly, it's an opportunity to meet your peers and network throughout the evening.

Shuttle buses

From Tartu city centre to Welcome Reception at Emajõgi Barge Society Complex / 18:15 and 20:00, departing every 15 minutes:

Stop 1: Theatre VANEMUINE / Lower parking lot (Address: Ülikooli street)
Stop 2: Hotel DORPAT (Address: Soola 6, Tartu)
Stop 3: Welcome Reception at Emajõgi Barge Society Complex (Address: Ujula 98, Tartu)


From Welcome Reception at Emajõgi Barge Society Complex to Tartu city centre / 21:30 and 23:00, departing every 15 minutes:

Stop 1: Welcome Reception at Emajõgi Barge Society Complex (Address: Ujula 98, TARTU)
Stop 2: Hotel DORPAT (Address: Soola 6, TARTU)
Stop 3: Theatre VANEMUINE / Lower parking lot (Address: Ülikooli street, TARTU)


More information about shuttle buses and stops can be found HERE.


Location: Emajõgi Barge Society Complex / Ujula 98, Tartu

9:00 - 10:00
Registration, welcome coffee & EXPO

The e-Governance Conference has arranged shuttle bus options free of charge for conference attendees throughout the main conference days. 

Shuttle busses

From Tartu city centre to the Conference venue / 9:15 – 10:30, departing every 15 minutes 

Stop 1: Theatre VANEMUINE / Lower parking lot (Address: Ülikooli street, TARTU)
Stop 2: Hotel DORPAT (Address: Soola 6, TARTU)
Stop 3: Conference venue at Estonian National Museum (Address: Muuseumi tee 2, TARTU)


From the Conference venue to Tartu city centre / 17:00 – 19:00 in every 15 minutes

Stop 1: Conference venue at Estonian National Museum (Address: Muuseumi tee 2, TARTU)
Stop 2: Hotel DORPAT  (Address: Soola 6, TARTU)
Stop 3: Theatre VANEMUINE / Lower parking lot (Address: Ülikooli street, TARTU) 

More information about shuttle buses and stops can be found HERE.


It's convenient to reach the events on foot in Tartu, as the distances between locations are short and moving around the city is safe. You are also welcome to use transportation that suits you, such as renting a bicycle, scooter, car, or taxi.

Location: Estonian National Museum / Muuseumi tee 2, 60532 Tartu

10:00 - 10:10
Welcome to the conference!

Hannes Astok Executive Director, e-Governance Academy 

10:10 - 10:20
Opening keynote

Alar Karis — President of the Republic of Estonia

10:20 - 10:55
Panel discussion: Learning from the past, growing today, winning tomorrow

Today, we are shaping the future of public governance in the age of digital, AI and geopolitics. In this session, a panel of experts with backgrounds in public administration, national and international public policy, research, business, diplomacy and leadership will build on lessons, sweet and bitter, over several decades of e-governance and discuss their advice for unlocking digital success.  

Mercy Wanjau, MBS — Secretary to the Cabinet, Republic of Kenya

Heidi Berner  Undersecretary of Finance, Ministry of Finance, Chile

Justina Nnam Oha Founder, Digital Equity Africa, Federal Republic of Nigeria

Anna-Greta Tsahkna Founder/CEO Timbeter, VP Association of IT&T, Estonia 

Paul Timmers Research Associate at the University of Oxford and Professor at KU Leuven (moderator) 

10:55 - 11:15
Keynote: Digging into EU’s digital tiger

The EU's digital decade plans present opportunities not only for member states but also for countries seeking collaboration, business, and societal advancement. Delving into topics such as GDPR, Digital Identity Wallet, and E-identification, this keynote will look into both opportunities and challenges and also what's next for Estonia — or humbly — what we are struggling with.

Luukas Kristjan Ilves — Special Adviser to the Secretary General, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia

11:15 - 11:45
Coffee break & EXPO
11:45 - 11:50
Keynote (video): Revealing the art of survival

Ukraine’s resistance and art of survival are inspiring worldwide. This keynote will look into the wins and innovations Ukraine is working on despite the war and investigate the road to building a competent digital community. 

Mykhailo Fedorov — Vice Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development - Minister of Digital Transformation, Ukraine

11:45 - 12:00
Presentation: Exploring EU’s tailored support for digital transformation

The European Commission is propelling digital transformation across Europe. This presentation will explore the EU's tailored technical support for digital transformation showcasing Member States' success stories and delve into this year's flagship initiative on implementing the Interoperable Europe Act. Ideal for EU stakeholders, this session will uncover practical insights and support opportunities.

Thomas Giacoletto  — Policy Officer, DG REFORM, European Commission

Marit Lani  Head of Governance and Engagement Competence Center, e-Governance Academy (moderator)

11:50 - 13:00
Panel discussion: Accessing European Union digital markets

Tailored for non-EU states seeking entry into the Digital Single Market, this session, drawing from Ukraine’s experience, will provide insights into regulatory, technological, and managerial transformations, and discuss broader implications, success factors, and real-life impact on ordinary people.  

Oleksandr Kozlov Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy

Tanel Tang  Team Leader, DG NEAR, European Commission (online)

Illia Rodin  Head of the Software Development Division, State Enterprise "Diia", Ukraine

Dr. Silvia Lips eID Expert, Information System Authority, Estonia

Piret Saartee — Head of the Data and Services Competence Center, e-Governance Academy (moderator)

12:00 - 13:00
Parallel session: Unleashing democracy with collaborative solutions

Participatory budgeting, a widely embraced democratic tool globally, merges traditional and digital democracy. The session will explore strategies for mainstreaming citizen participation in government across diverse contexts and insights into digital tools and socio-political settings. 

Dr. Carla Bezerra — Director of Digital Participation and Network Communication at the General Secretariat of the Brazilian Presidency of the Republic, Brazil (online)

Pablo Aragon — Research Scientist at the Decidim, Spain (online)

Dr. Pekka Tuominen — Anthropologist at the University of Helsinki, Finland 

Jarno Laur — Head of Tartu Municipality, Estonia 

Dr. Dmytro Khutkyy — Expert, e-Governance Academy (moderator) 

Dr. Kristina Reinsalu — Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy (moderator) 

13:00 - 14:10
Lunch & EXPO
14:10 - 14:50
Panel and discussion: Uncovering the potential of digital public infrastructure

To ignite innovation and shape the digital societies of tomorrow, this session will discuss the potential of digital public infrastructure (DPI), digital public goods (DPG), and the commons as means to build digital societies.

Together, the high-level policymakers will uncover the challenges of reusing, adopting, and scaling existing digital solutions, while charting a course for future synergies across national, European, and international digitalization initiatives.

Dr. Bosun Tijani — Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, Federal Republic of Nigeria

Dr. Nele Leosk — Ambassador-at-Large for Digital Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Estonia

Tiago C. Peixoto Coordinator for Digital Government Services, Western Balkans and the EU, the World Bank (moderator)

14:10 - 14:50
Parallel session: Practical discussion - Opening Pandora’s wallet

Digital Identity Wallet is a new way to manage and share one’s personal identity and related information. This workshop will offer participants especially business and technology managers a deep dive into implementing this cutting-edge solution and exploring its societal applications beyond the EU, emphasising cross-border interoperability, and covering accessibility, security, and the privacy aspects of the revolutionary Digital Identity Wallet concept.  

Vilma Misiukonienė — Digital Identity Team Lead, ICT Department of the Ministry of Interior, Lithuania

Mark Erlich  — Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy (moderator)

14:50 - 15:30
Presentation and discussion: Transforming digital buzz to business success

Efficient digital government is the foundation for an attractive business and innovation environment. This session will explore how digitalisation can attract and retain top talent and investments in the competitive global market and how public-private partnerships contribute to maximising digitisation efforts for citizen prosperity and business development.  

Lacina KonéDirector General and Chief Executive Officer of Smart Africa

Samantha Malambo  Innovation and Policy Specialist with the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) in Malawi and Zambia

Maísa Dias Requirements Coordinator in the Digital Transformation Directorate of the Piauí State Information Technology Company, Brazil

Raido Lember — Expert in Digital Economy, Estonia (moderator) 

14:50 - 15:30
Parallel session: Presentation - Unveiling Estonia's digital renaissance

After three decades of digitalisation processes in Estonia, the time is ripe to leap to the next level of citizen-centric public service provision. The private sector has already delivered added value through personalised content for a long time, and the government has some catching up to do. E-Estonia is globally known as a functioning living digital society. Participants will be guided through a “Brief Journey of Becoming Digital with e-Estonia“ of digital governance, legislation, budgeting, co-creation, and lessons learned. 

Erika Piirmets Digital Transformation Adviser, e-Estonia Briefing Centre 

Dr. Priit Vinkel — Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy (moderator)

15:30 - 16:00
Coffee break & EXPO
16:00 - 16:10
Ceremony of signing the Memorandum of Understanding on technical cooperation in e-governance and modernization of the public administration

This MoU will establish a framework for cooperative institutional relations to encourage and promote cooperation for capacity development in the field of electronic governance for public officials through the implementation of a Digital Governance Academy.

Adão Francisco Correia de Almeida Minister of State and Chief of Civil House of the President of the Republic, Angola

Hannes Astok — Executive Director, e-Governance Academy

16:00 - 16:45
Practical discussion: Unlocking AI for digital public goods

Artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense promise in enhancing digital public goods to tackle humanity's critical issues. Ethically deployed, it fosters innovation, widens access to resources, and fosters inclusive societies. This session will encourage brainstorming collaborations between public and private sectors to propel countries into digital leadership roles, drawing global investment and talent. It will also examine the responsibilities of international partners in human-centric AI-driven digital development.

Lacina Koné  Director General and Chief Executive Officer, Smart Africa

Peter Mariën Team Leader for Digital Governance, DG INTPA, European Commission

Marika Popp — GovStack Project Lead for Estonia

Klen Jäärats — Executive Director, Estonian Centre for International Development, Estonia (moderator)

16:10 - 16:50
Fireside chat: Investigating public-private cooperation in cybersecurity

Achieving digital success hinges on robust cybersecurity measures. This fireside chat will delve into the crucial matter of allocating responsibility between the government and the private sector in countering cyber threats, particularly concerning critical infrastructure and explore effective strategies for strengthening the cybersecurity of federal networks and critical infrastructure. 

Andrew Grotto — Program Director, Stanford University 

Merle Maigre — Head of Cybersecurity Competence Center, e-Governance Academy 

This presentation is made possible by funding from the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF). The views expressed by the speaker are his or her own and do not represent the views of BAFF. For more information about BAFF Scholarships and the Baltic American Dialogue program, visit

16:50 - 17:00
Key conclusions of the conference day

Kristina Mänd — Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy

17:00 - 18:00
Tour in the Estonian National Museum

Please register in the Conference online platform by pressing Tasks button and selecting the language you prefer to use in the exhibition. The registration closes at 16:00 the same day. The tour is free. Explore the exhibitions here

20:00 - 22:00
Science party “Joy of discovery”

The largest science centre in the region, AHHAA Science Center is hosting more than 200,000 guests every year. This evening, the entire center will belong to #egov2024 participants to experiment and explore hands-on science and watch science theatre show. You can joyfully rediscover the basic facts of physics, chemistry, and biology while having good food, drinks, and the company of peers! Dress smart casual to enjoy the science party in full swing.

Ahhaa Center is within walking distance in the city center.

Location: AHHAA Science Center / Sadama 1, 51004 Tartu

9:00 - 10:00
Registration, welcome coffee & EXPO

The e-Governance Conference has arranged shuttle bus options free of charge for conference attendees throughout the main conference days. 

More information about shuttle buses can be found HERE.

It's convenient to reach the events on foot in Tartu, as the distances between locations are short and moving around the city is safe. You are also welcome to use transportation that suits you, such as renting a bicycle, scooter, car, or taxi.

Location: Estonian National Museum / Muuseumi tee 2, 60532 Tartu

10:00 - 10:10
Opening remarks

Ingrid Toonekurg Member of the Management Board, e-Governance Academy

10:10 - 11:15
Panel discussion: Switching on enlightened leadership

Leadership continuity is vital for digital success, especially as digital governance initiatives often transcend electoral cycles. This session with political leaders will explore strategies for sustaining momentum amid political fluctuations and offer insights into engaging policymakers, fostering motivation, and ensuring the will for digital transformation endures organisational and political shifts.

Nuria Kutnaeva — Minister of Digital Development, Kyrgyz Republic

Paula Bogantes Zamora — Minister of Science, Innovation, Technology and Telecommunications, Costa Rica

E. Jay SaundersFormer Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance, Investment & Trade, Turks & Caicos Islands

Robert Bernardo — Team Leader, Governance and Peacebuilding Team UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub, Regional Bureau for Europe and Central Asia (moderator)

11:15 - 11:45
Coffee break & EXPO
11:45 - 12:05
Keynote: Freeing human potential

A vibrant and participating community is one of the cornerstones of modern society. Digital advancements, while enabling, pose challenges to civic space. This keynote will delve into global, regional, and national norms to protect fundamental freedoms and cultivate a supportive environment for healthy civil society in the digital age.  

Douglas Rutzen — President and CEO, International Centre for Not-for-profit Law (ICNL)

This presentation is made possible by funding from the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF). The views expressed by the speaker are his or her own and do not represent the views of BAFF. For more information about BAFF Scholarships and the Baltic American Dialogue program, visit

11:45 - 12:05
Presentation: Beginning the new era for Rio de Janeiro’s single platform

Many countries face problems with different digital systems used by different levels of government. It's a headache for governments, organizations, and people. But Rio de Janeiro has a plan to fix this. They want to create a digital platform that works for everyone by bringing together the national, regional, and local government layers. It aims to make things easier and boost the economy. In this session, we'll learn about the plan using public-private partnerships between the government and private companies, and involving citizens in decision-making based on Estonia’s experience.

Mauro Farias — Secretary for Digital Transformation, Rio de Janeiro State Government, Brazil

Marit LaniHead of Governance and Engagement Competence Center, e-Governance Academy (moderator)

12:05 - 13:00
Panel and discussion: Synergising digital and green transformations

Digital transformation fortifies security, prosperity, and openness, while green transformation cultivates healthier, happier societies. The secret of success is amplifying the synergy between these forces for maximum impact. This vibrant panel will explore global examples of democratic green and tech innovations and discover the value of citizen engagement in shaping climate policies.  

Fabro Steibel — Executive Director, the Institute for Technology & Society, Brazil 

Sophie Guillain — Environmental participation practitioner, Res publica, France 

Raimond Tamm — Deputy Mayor of Tartu, Estonia  

Dr. Kristina Reinsalu — Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy (moderator) 

12:05 - 13:00
Panel discussion: Unbolting digital tools against crisis

Wars, pandemics, and natural disasters are millennia-old challenges states face to this day. Fortunately, we live in a time when modern digital governance solutions can bolster the readiness of any country for a quick and effective response. During this session, politicians and leaders worldwide can learn how to prepare for a crisis digitally and explore ways to achieve synergy between human skills and digital technologies. 

Andrii Piskun Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy

Oleh Burba Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy

Yuriy Matsyk — Director of the Digital Infrastructure Development Directorate, Ministry of Digital Transformation, Ukraine

Alexandru Corețchi — Director, Information Technology and Cyber Security Service, Moldova

Elsa Neeme — Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy (moderator)

13:00 - 14:15
Lunch & EXPO
14:15 - 15:15
Keynote and discussion: Revealing secrets in designing people-centric services

This session will discuss the secrets of getting good at designing people-centric public services that work for their users. Factors for success such as skills, collaboration, and smart digital choices, must be developed and challenges such as legal compliance, limited user engagement or outdated technology need to be left behind.

Lou Downe — Founder, The School of Good Services, UK

Piret Hirv — Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy (moderator)

14:15 - 15:15
Practical panel discussion: Exploring post-digital government

Explore the journey towards post-digital government, the implications of a strategy and the insight required to achieve a balance between proactive service intervention and reactive government support Estonian ICT cluster members, with vast experience in real-value-generating digitalization projects globally, will share first-hand stories and visions. This session will delve into determining the drivers and priorities for governments transitioning into a post-digital era, exploring its impact, identifying action items, and discussing the required skills.

Part I: Pre-requisites of post-digital government

Aimo Kõva — Business Development Manager, Datel, Estonia

Aare Reintam — COO of CybExer Technologies, Estonia

Dr. Ants Sild — Chairman of BCS Digital Skills Academy, Estonia

Kedi Välba — CEO, Aktors, Estonia (moderator)

Part II: The future of post-digital government

Artur Assor — Business Area Director, Nortal MEA, Estonia

Maksim Ovtšinnikov Head of Data Exchange Technologies, Cybernetica, Estonia

Siim Sikkut — Managing Partner, Digital Nation, Estonia

Laura Kask — CEO, Proud Engineers, Estonia (moderator)

15:15 - 15:40
Flash interview: Sharing the stories of success

Digital transformation is widely recognized as a catalyst for countries seeking to foster openness and prosperity. However, the journey towards achieving these goals is multifaceted, with no singular formula guaranteeing identical outcomes. In recognition of this complexity, this session will offer invaluable firsthand insights into the key determinants of success drawn from the experiences of distinct countries.

Meick Afonso Director General, Institute for Administrative Modernization, Republic of Angola

Fani Farmaki Programme Manager, Digital Transformation Delegation of the European Union to Bangladesh

Ingrid Toonekurg — Member of the Management Board, e-Governance Academy (moderator)

15:40 - 16:00
Short break & EXPO
16:00 - 16:15
Panel presentation: Demonstrating the benefits of interoperability

Success hinges greatly on individuals' capacity to collaborate seamlessly across diverse sectors, countries, cultures, and disciplines. This principle extends to systems and products, where effective interaction and compatibility — referred to as interoperability — are paramount. Through the lens of Brazil, the fifth largest country globally, this presentation will demonstrate the myriad benefits that well-engineered interoperability can unleash for a nation, its populace, and governance.

Ilson Bressan — CEO at Valid, Brazil

Oliver Väärtnõu — CEO of Cybernetica, Estonia

16:15 - 16:45
Keynote: Unleashing the future of success

Digital technologies do not, by default, lead to citizens who can think, be innovative, and successful. Rather, digital technologies must be designed with that specific goal in mind. In this keynote, Jaan Aru will discuss some quirks of the human mind that need to be considered to develop technologies that facilitate human flourishing for future success in the digital world. 

Dr. Jaan Aru Associate Professor at the University of Tartu, Estonia 

16:45 - 17:00
Closing dialogue

Hannes Astok — Executive Director, e-Governance Academy

Kristina Mänd — Senior Expert, e-Governance Academy

17:00 - 18:00
Tour in the Estonian National Museum / Shuttle to Tallinn
Tour in the Estonian National Museum

Please register in the Conference online platform by pressing Tasks button and selecting the language you prefer to use in the exhibition. The registration closes at 16:00 the same day. The tour is free. Explore the exhibitions here

Shuttle to Tallinn

Please note: After the event on 23 May, there will be a direct transfer from Tartu Estonian National Museum to Tallinn.

17:15 — Conference venue at Estonian National Museum — Tallinn Airport — Tallinn City Center (duration 2,5 hours)
17:30 — Conference venue at Estonian National Museum — Tallinn Airport — Tallinn City Center (duration 2,5 hours)

Pre-registration is mandatory.

Tallinn Tartu Tallinn shuttle service

For convenient Tallinn Tartu Tallinn shuttle buses you can  register here